Saturday, February 4, 2017

When Little Boys Walk on Water

As my kids have grown older, the Lord has given me more and more opportunities to talk to them about deeper things, about the precious lessons my Savior has been teaching me over the years. And, as I share with them, and look again at these lessons with the simple faith of children, God brings out new and wonderful truths.

Our oldest, CJ, is a sweet, sensitive little guy. Courage and confidence do not come naturally to him. But he is learning and he is growing, and as I have the immense privilege of walking with him on this journey, I’m learning so much about faith and courage as well.

Recently my husband and I were given a gift of several days away, a vacation, just the two of us.

CJ does NOT like it when we leave.

And we’d never before left him for that long.

So we prayed for him, long in advance. Prayed for courage and help for him. Prepared him for it, got him used to the idea. And, in a tender and teachable moment, I talked to him about it a little more, building on a story from Scripture we’d talked about recently.

The conversation went a little bit like this.

“CJ, do you remember when the disciples were in the boat in the storm, and Jesus came walking to them on the water?”


“Do you remember what Peter did?”

“He asked Jesus to let him walk to him.”

“Yep! And when Peter put his foot out of the boat, onto the water, with the wind blowing and the waves up and down and all over the place, what happened? Did he sink?”


“That’s right. He kept looking at Jesus, and he stayed up. But when he started to look at everything around him that was so scary, the wind and the waves, what happened then?”

“He started to sink.”

“It’s the same with us, CJ. When everything around us is crazy and scary, as long as we keep thinking about Jesus, and keep our eyes on Him and how big and strong and loving He is, we will be fine. But if we keep thinking about the scary things, and focus on them, then we’ll sink.”

He nodded, quiet for a moment. I could tell his mind was working, sorting through these truths once again. After a bit he spoke up.

“But what if I forget?”

With that question, he brought me up short. What if he forgot? What if, in the terror of the storm, in the midst of the crashing waves and howling wind, in the distraction of the fear, he forgot to think about Jesus?

The answer to his simple question was right there, before us, in the story. And what a wonderful answer it was. I'd never noticed the precious detail before. The truth of it brought tears to my eyes, both for the sake of my sweet boy, and for myself, in my faltering, growing, stumbling, deepening walk with the Lord.

“Well, CJ, what happened to Peter? What happened after he started to sink?”

“Jesus caught him.”

“Yes! He rescued him! Even when Peter forgot, when he looked at the wrong thing, even when he started to sink, Jesus still caught him!”

What a glorious truth. We can KNOW the right way to handle a situation. We KNOW we should be patient, be faithful, be trusting, be loving, rejoice, lean on His strength and not ours…but sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we forget.

And still, despite our weakness and failure…

Jesus catches us.

Through the spray of the waves, over the roar of the storm, in the numbing cold, as we sink, a desperate cry torn from our throats, carried away in the wind…

We’ll see a hand. Firm and strong. Nail-scarred.

Reaching for us. Grasping us. Lifting us up. Rescuing us.

Peter found this true.  So did the psalmist.

“If I should say, ‘My foot has slipped,’ Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up.” (Psalm 94:18)

So did the prophet.

“Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.” (Micah 7:8)

What a wonderful God we serve.